Someone asked me what my name Khubayb, meant. Khubayb literally means ' He who runs fast' or a 'fast walker', although I prefer Swift Walker. Sounds cooler. Right?
Anyway, very recently, I attempted to narrate the story of the famous companion of the Prophet, Khubayb Al Adiy Malik Al-Awsi Al-Ansari that was told to me eons ago, and I guess my story fell pretty flat. So I looked it up again for a refresher. And this is what I found:
His full name was Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA. His story is well known and recorded in any books of Seerah and biographies.
Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA was from the blessed 313 who took part in the battle of Badr. When the standards of the Battle of Badr were lifted, he was there, a bold warrior and a daring fighter. Among the polytheists whom he killed with his sword during the battle was Al-Harith Ibn 'Amir Ibn Naufal.His full name was Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA. His story is well known and recorded in any books of Seerah and biographies.
After the battle was over and the defeated remnants of the Quraish had returned to Makkah, the sons of Al-Harith learned that their father had been killed. They learned the name of his killer very well by heart: Khubaib Ibn 'Adiy.
The Muslims returned from Badr to Al-Madinah and persistently built their new community. Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA was a true worshiper, a pious devotee, carrying the nature of a devotee and the longing aspiration of a worshiper. There he turned to worship with the spirit of a passionate lover, praying at night, fasting during the day, glorifying Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
One day the Rasulullah SAW wanted to know the Quraish's secrets so as to be fully aware of the target of their movements and any preparations for a new battle. Therefore, he chose ten of his Companions, among who was Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA, and 'Asim Ibn Thabit RA as leader.
The expedition set off towards its destination until they reached a place between 'Asafahan and Makkah. News of them reached an area of Hudhail called Bani Hayan. They hastened to them with 100 of their most skillful spearmen. They set out to pursue them and to follow their tracks.
They almost lost them but for the fact that one of them found some discarded date pits on the sand. He picked them up and, with the amazing skill Arabs were famous for, glanced at them, then shouted loudly so that the others could hear him, "They are date pits from Yathrib"'. Let's follow them and they will surely guide us." They followed the discarded date pits until they could see in the distance what they were searching for.
'Asim RA, the expedition's leader, felt that they were being chased, so he ordered his companions to mount the high peak of a mountain. The 100 spearmen approached and surrounded the foot of the mountain and besieged them thoroughly.
They asked them to surrender themselves after giving them their word not to hurt them. The ten turned to their leader, 'Asim Ibn Thabit Al-Ansari RA and waited for his command. He then said, "As for me, by Allah, I will never let myself fall into the protection of a polytheist. May Allah inform our Rasulullah SAW about us."
The spearmen then began to throw their spears at them. Their leader 'Asim RA was wounded and died as a martyr. In the same way seven others were wounded and died as martyrs.
The rest were then called and promised that they would be safe if they came down. The three descended, Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA and his two friends. The spearmen approached Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA and his companion, Zaid Ibn Ad-Dithinnah RA, and tied them up. Their third one recognized the beginning of their deceits, so he decided to die there where 'Asim RA and his companions had fallen. He died where he wished.
That is how some of the greatest, most faithful, most loyal to Allah and his Rasulullah and most sincere believers passed away. Zaid Ibn Ad-Dithinnah RA tried to untie himself, but they were tied very thoroughly and tightly.
From his known victims at the battle was the mushrik Harith Ibn 'Amir ibn Naufal; whose children vowed to avenge their father's death, and they finally got the chance.
Bani Hayan proved to be deceptive and took them to Makkah and sold them as slaves. From his known victims at the battle was the mushrik Harith Ibn 'Amir ibn Naufal; whose children vowed to avenge their father's death, and they finally got the chance.
The sons of Harith ibn 'Amir heard of his capture and competed to buy him. They finally bought him and imprisoned him, preparing to finally avenge their father's death. During Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA his imprisonment, some miracles were witnessed by Harith's children. For example, Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA eating from a bunch of grapes in his hand when there were no grapes in Makkah.
Another time, Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA borrowed a knife from one of Harith's daughter; later her young child walked towards Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA until he was standing next to him, his mother was distressed to see her son so close to Khubayb who had a knife in his hand. Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA reassured her that he would not hurt the child. She later used to remark, "By Allah, I have never seen a prisoner better than Khubayb. By Allah, I too saw him eat from grapes in his hand, when he was in shackles. It was not the season for grapes Makkah. It was a provision from Allah".
In his final days, the sons of Harith tried to make Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA renounces his faith in return for sparing his life. But Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA stood firm like a mountain and threw the light of his faith back at them...
On the day of execution of this noble Sahabi, the children of al-Harith took him out of the area of the Haram in Makkah as they wanted to kill him outside the Haram. Some Islamic scholars agreed that Khubayb al Ansari RA was finally crucified on the same spot of Tanaim Mosque in Makkah.
Before the execution, Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA requested that he be given a few minutes to perform two rakaah of salah, which they agreed to. After the salah, Khubayb said, "If you did not think I was afraid of facing death, I would have increased by salah (and then he made the du'a), "Oh Allah, count their numbers, wipe them out one by one, do not let any of them live."
He recited the following words of profound poetry, which reflected his strength and determination till the end:
'Uqbah ibn al-Harith struck him and those gathered around asked him, "O Khubayb, would you rather be with your family, safe and Muhammad be here in your place?", Khubayb replied with the famous words, "Never, rather I would not even want to see Muhammad Rasulullah be pricked by a thorn!" At this, Abu Sufyan remarked, "I have not seen anyone love anyone more than the Companions of Muhammad love him". So one of the mushrik lashed at Khubayb until he died, and thus did Khubayb bin Adi al-Ansari RA meet an honorable end, martyred in the way of Allah SWT.
"I have no concern as I'm (being) killed as a Muslim,In the way of Allah will be my fatalityAnd in that should He WillGrant blessings upon my lacerated limbs."
Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA was the first person to exemplify performing salah before being executed. It is recorded that he was the first to be crucified too.
When they were lifting Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA onto the palm trunk cross and tying him firmly, Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA turned his face towards the sky asking his Ever Magnificent Allah, "Allah! We fulfilled the mission of Your Messenger. Inform him in the early morning of what is happening to us." In another narration, there is the addition: "O Allah I do not have anyone to convey my Salaam to, except Your Messenger, so convey my Salaam to him". Therefore the Angel Jibreel, may Allah exalt his mention, conveyed the news of Khubayb, may Allah be pleased with him to the Prophet

Allah responded to his prayer. While he was in Al-Madinah, Rasulullah SAW was filled with a strong feeling that his Companions were facing a severe trial, and he could almost see the crucified dead body of one of them.
Immediately Rasulullah SAW sent for Al-Miqdaad Ibn "Amr and Az-Zubair Ibn Awwam RA. They mounted their horses and set off to cross the land rapidly. Allah guided them to their desired destination. They lowered Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA’ body to a pure spot of ground waiting to shelter him under its moist soil.
As Narrated / Related by Hassan Ibn Thabit RA
Hassan Ibn Thabit RA a poet of Islam, said about Khubayb ibn 'Adi ibn Malik al-Awsi al-Ansari RA: “He looked like a falcon among the Ansar. Allah SWT endowed him with noble character and good morals.”
Pretty neat, eh?
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