Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Beautiful things...

I've been thinking long and hard about what to write on my blog. Should it even have a purpose? Maybe. But then I just came across this tweet by @WonderTruly:
"But write beautiful things, anyway.
Because even if the only person you impress at the end is you
It will be

I'm not sure if I am capable of writing beautiful things. But let me impress myself, anyway.

Shouldn't be that hard.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Calm Qualms...

Pretty catchy title, innit?

I must admit, I gave myself a pat on the back for thinking that one up.

Being equivocal is,whether rightly or wrongly but just ultimately very sadly, part of my profession. Ambiguity is that dirty puddle of mud in which lawyers push each other aside to jump in and revel in.
I had a different word in mind initially [prevaricator] but the connotations are a bit too negative for my liking.

But, ho hum.

To new beginnings and all that.

Khubayb : What's that mean?

Someone asked me what my name Khubayb, meant. Khubayb literally means ' He who runs fast' or a 'fast walker', although I pr...